Sustainable Development Goals

No Poverty

Merapad Empowers women from Marginalized women in Semi Urban and Rural Areas by providing them Job opportunities enabling them to earn a Fair Wage and help them become economically independent. 

Good Health & Well Being

Women in India and many developing countries use old rags and cloths to manage their periods that often leads to health issues and complications. Merapad helps women to manage periods with dignity as they are a sustainable alternative product that are easy to use and helps them lead a healthy life while it provides a safe environment to women who choose flexible hours with a fair wage.

Quality Education

Merapad empowers girls and women by breaking the barriers and creating a safe space to talk about periods through its capacity building and awareness program and helping to end stigma around Menstruation 

Gender Equality

Merapad is a Project by a Women for Women that focuses on creating awareness among girls and boys, Men & Women on the subject which is considered to be a Taboo and breaking the barriers. 

Clean Water & Sanitation

Merapad Focuses to achieve  access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Merapad provides employment opportunities to women who are trained in making and selling of these pads which give them fair wage, a safe working environment making them economically independent where women have flexible work opportunities to work along with other commitments.

Responsible Consumption and Production

Merapad Cloth pads are fully biodegradable once the poppers are removed as made of high quality fabric sourced ethically  and textile waste used effectively aligned with merapads. Merapad reduces the consumption of disposable products which create unnecessary plastic pollution and waste.

Climate Action

Merapad combats the plastic pollution associated with disposable products. It keeps sanitary plastic waste and Textile waste out of the ocean and landfills that are affecting climate change.

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Merapad Believes together we can achieve more and has been focusing to create all types of partnership to take this initiative across the globe.